This is the 130th Juggling Writer post.
One year ago…
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I started The Juggling Writer to force myself to always have writing on my mind. Between blogging about writing and working on writing, I hoped to bring back a feeling I lost when I began putting more effort into my day job at the time than I did into writing and life.
When I started writing seriously when I was 20, it’s all I thought about. This last year, thanks in part to this blog, I found that feeling again. Instead of leaving things on the ground for later, I picked things up and got back to being busy.
This last year has been my best year of writing in 21 years. Not only did I break the 100 posts goal I gave myself for the blog, I finished my third novel, went to a writer’s conference, and laid the foundation for some other writing-related things.
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So what do I have planned for the next year?
Obviously, more articles about writing–but I also plan to start podcasting fiction (for a sneak peek, go here), and at least a monthly Juggling Writer podcast.
Somewhere in there, I’m sure, I’ll start my next novel.
If there’s anything you’d like to see covered on The Juggling Writer, please let me know.
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When I started The Juggling Writer, I hoped it would help me.
And it did.
But I really hoped it would help others, even if only a few people read the blog.
To everybody who reads and replies: thank you–I hope I’ve helped you in some way this past year.
If you like this blog, I hope you’ll tell others about it, but just knowing that people are out there reading what I’m sharing makes a year of this more than worth it!
Happy Birthday to the Juggling Writer!
You’ve done a great job — looking forward to reading more. I may not be a writer, but some of the things you post here can be helpful to other people as well.
Best wishes!
Hi Christopher,
I’m a friend of your wife’s but I stumbled upon her blog by stumbling upon yours first. I’m also a bit of a writer — used to write a lot, but over the years (and marriage and baby), writing time for me has fizzled into a few moment of random brainstorming on my “novel” just before I doze off for the night. Your blog has inspired me to keep hacking away at it — even if it’s only a paragraph a day. 🙂 I’ve followed your blog. Very glad I found it. I’m looking forward to seeing your progress and successes in the future.
Thanks, Cynthia.
I definitely like the entries that can apply to everybody.
Obviously, the blog is geared toward writers (and fiction more than non-fiction), but since one of the things I try doing with The Juggling Writer is helping myself and others find balance and juggle busy lives with a passion, I always hope it helps anybody who stops by.
Thank you for the reply, Amy–I’m glad The Juggling Writer has helped in some way.
You mentioned the paragraph here and there thing…that can work. I don’t know if it’s still the way he works, but there’s a sci-fi writer named Cory Doctorow who always shot for 250 words a day. Despite traveling, blogging, and teaching, he knew he could get 250 words in each day.
It may not seem like much, but over a year’s time, that’s a novel.
I hope you’re able to find time to work on your novel. One of the coolest feelings in the world is printing out something that big that you wrote!
Chris, congratulations on one year! I am rarely seen I am always here, and I am a better writer for it. Thank you.
Thanks, Anthony; I really appreciate that!
I hope all your writing is going well, and I hope you get more opportunities to see some great writers speak (I still think about how cool it is that you got to see Stephen King and John Irving together last year).
Take care!
Congrats on a year, Chris — I’ve read them all and always get alot out of them. Great podcast too!
Thanks, Mark!
When I start the Juggling Writer podcast, I may hit you up for an interview, since you write movies and stuff 😉