The September Silence begins tomorrow.
Each year, for all of September, I take a month-long social media break.
I treat it like my writing new year — despite the heat of Texas still making summer drag into late October or early November. When September rolls around, I’m like a little kid still living up north.
In my mind, quieter times are coming. While I feel for those who love long days of blaring sunlight, I prefer dark mornings and evenings (and cooler weather).
Everything about the season seems conducive to reading and writing more…to settle back and embrace silence.
This September
This September will find me putting my efforts into Not About Lumberjacks. I’m currently working on a mystery set in a bog in northern Illinois — and I’m documenting the process of writing, recording, and releasing that here.
I’m hoping to get ahead enough on some planning to launch a Patreon for Not About Lumberjacks when I return to social media in October.
I look forward to evenings reading Anthony Doerr’s new novel, Cloud Cuckoo Land, when it comes out. (Granted, near the end of September, but still…)
I’m starting a new job this September as well…
September is a month for harvesting in the northern hemisphere.
Outside of some time working on a small farm when I was in my early 20s, I’ve not taken part in too many harvests. I’ve helped friends harvest and load hay for their horses to get through winter. And I grew up next to a big wheat field and area where September meant all that was previously sowed was finally reaped.
When the harvest was complete, preparation for darker days arrived.
In that sense, the year was over, but there was still plenty to tend to and plan for when the light returns.
I’ve had a good year in my writing and work.
I’m seeing some things I’ve planted earlier in the year ready for harvest.
I still have plenty to do this year, but by framing my writing year this way, I look forward to darker days for awhile, preparing for another good writing year…

Wishing you an abundant harvest and a successful fall sowing. So beautifully stayed.
Yeah, I miss you when you’re gone, and I’m glad when you come back.
September Silence is a good name. Kind of like Dry July, Sober October, and Can-You-Even-Remember November.
I hope you are productive and feel satisfied.
Can-You-Even-Remember-November cracked me up!
I do feel I miss out on some things when I take the break. I know many people claim social media is not real life, but it’s now where so much about life is shared. And fortunately, most of what I let through are life updates and interesting things rather than people fighting all day.
It’s now over a week in, and it’s been good so far. I wrote yesterday despite starting a new job — and I wrote this morning. I will definitely be more busy in this role, but it doesn’t seem to be busy-all-the-time busy…just during my days. (As a contractor, there were some slower times of stretching a couple days of work out over a week.)