Paul Lamb loves attention! In a world of desperate reality show “celebrities” and pop star divas, Paul Lamb rises above them all, shouting his own praises from rooftops for all to hear.
He’s everywhere these days!
Okay, if you know Paul Lamb, you know he cringes at the thought of self promotion even more than I do. He’s a writer who lets his words do the talking; he’s one of the last people who would shout for attention. That’s just one of the many cool things I know about the guy from what interactions I’ve had with him online over the past several years.
Paul’s Stuff
Paul’s been busy, lately. There’s a cool interview with him, here. You can read a recent story of his, here. And you can always follow what he’s up to at his blog. (You can also read more of his writing, there.)
Paul writes some great stuff. I have no reason to say that, other than it’s something I believe to be true. If it’s something with a fantastic element, like his story “Race to the Summit,” or something based on reality — it’s all good. If I said otherwise, it’s not like Paul would come down from Kansas City to kick my ass. In the chats we’ve had in blog comments, revealing a bit about a person from what I know about him online, I’m not surprised Paul writes as well as he does. He looks up to some great writers and has a place to get away from it all and think.
Promoting Others
On a recent episode of the Men in Gorilla Suits podcast, I mentioned that I’m terrible at promoting myself, but totally fine with promoting writers I admire.
I admire Paul’s writing, so this post is just to point some people his way…because he so loves the attention! 😉
red faced. red faced.
To adapt a Zoolander quote, “Paul, Paul, Paul, he’s everywhere! He’s so hot right now.” 😉
I love cabins in the woods. Someday I shall have my own. Is the painted cabin the same cabin in the linked post? Because if Mr. Lamb has more than one cabin in the woods, I just might have to make an offer on the extra one. How to be more anonymous in exchange for the cabin.