The Hell Comes With Wood Paneled Doors podcast is live!
Hell Comes with Wood Paneled Doors is the first novel I ever wrote. It’s a humorous coming-of-age story about a family traveling cross country in a possessed station wagon.
In episode 1:
When Michael O’Brien’s father, James, buys a new car just in time for the family vacation, he signs away more than his old ’74 Gremlin as a trade in.
I hope you’ll come along on this 21-week ride. Think of it as summer vacation dragged out through the cold months coming up.
If you like the Hell Comes With Wood Paneled Doors podcast, I hope you’ll tell your friends about it.
Back to more Juggling Writer entries tomorrow, when I plan to talk about writing influences who aren’t other writers.
Until then, I hope everybody is having a great weekend and that all your writing is flowing…
Best wishes, Christopher! I’m so glad that instead of just letting this novel sit on the shelf, you’ve found a way to share it with others and have fun with it again. I hope you keep having fun with it, and I’m looking forward to more podcasts from you.
Best wishes!
I’ve just subscribed and am looking forward to listening. I listen to many podcasts, mostly author interviews and short stories, but it’s been a long time since I’ve listened to a novel in audio format, so this will be a nice experiment on my end as well.
Thanks, Cynthia. It IS a lot of fun revisiting something older like this.
It’s not the kind of thing I’m writing these days, but there are still moments in all it’s cheesy humor that I love.
Thanks for subscribing–that really means a lot to me. At the same time, now I’m like, “Oh, man–this has to be good–people are subscribing to the podcast!”
Like you, I listen to interviews and short stories; it’s been awhile since I’ve listened to an actual novel. In fact, my practice run at recording something I wrote was a short story:
I was reading your recent entry about reading things out loud. I’ve always disliked the way my voice sounded, and reading out loud has always been tough with me. I’ve found that the reading out loud thing is great advice and actually started working on an entry about it earlier. There are little things I’ve noticed about my writing that stick out when read aloud.
I think what I like best about the podcast is there’s a sense of something happening. I’ve written three novels in the last 9 years, and during that time the only sense of completion came from short stories written in my writing group.
I hope you enjoy Hell Comes With Wood Paneled Doors and I hope your revision goes smoothly.
I’m really looking forward to the “ride”. Having grown up with radio and all the stories, this podcast is right up my ally. Best of luck with it!
Do you have plans to add it to the iTunes podcast database? That will help with the buzz and allow people to post REVIEWS! I’m just saying.
Mary: Yep, I love serialized stories, and radio serials are still a blast to listen to!
Larry: In the process this week. I debated waiting to launch the new site until everything was set up, but my philosophy, lately, is just get things out there and add along the way.
I’ll definitely let everyone know when it’s approved on iTunes. (Cynthia, for example, is waiting for that since it’s her preferred way of getting podcasts. Mine, too.)