As a writer, I’d be lying if I said I didn’t sometimes worry about people’s lack of focus.
People seem to rush about in a blur — I hear more and more people say they don’t have time to read.
I see people reply tl;dr (short for “too long; didn’t read”) in comments on blogs and news article, even if the entry or article is 500 – 750 words.
I get e-mail from people who abbreviate everything like they’re sending a text message. (Is it really too hard to type, “Thanks, you too,” instead of “thx U2”?)
I’ve chatted with people who’ve read things I’ve read, wanting to talk about sections I liked — only to be told, “Oh, I skimmed that part.”
We skim content and click Like and Retweet buttons more than we take time to actually comment on things:

The funniest thing? Many of the same people claiming to be too busy to connect with people spend a lot of time not doing much at all.
It’s the holidays — a time when people come together and make time for each other. Even though people rush around to shop, work usually slows down and many people find themselves with time to relax and catch up with people they care about.
Wouldn’t it be great if that were a year-round thing?
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