They say a picture is worth a thousand words.
If you’re looking for inspiration this week — either a story idea or a writing exercise to get the creative juices flowing — write a thousand words about either of the couples below (or 500 words about each couple).
Still stuck? Consider these possibilities:
- What if they were transported to another time (the past, the present, or the future)?
- What if one couple were trying to stop the other from a goal?
- What if one of them were dying?
- What if they were about to lose all they have?
- What if they were about to make their biggest dream come true?
Get the picture?
My one lengthy piece of writing to date was inspired by a photo using the first option you mention. I was given a book in the late 90s about the St. Louis Cardinals Gas House Gang (1930s) era of baseball, and on the dust jacket was a grainy photo of a player sliding into home plate ‘spikes up’. It prompted me to think “all things being equal, how would this team perform in the steroid era?”
I generated a 44 page short story of one game that took place at Wrigley field. So far, I haven’t been able to find the zip drive or floppy disk I saved it to 🙁